Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Its based on the concept of maintaining balance and harmony in the body for good health.
It focuses on the entire system, body, mind and spirit, to bring the body back to health. Acupuncture needles access the energy flowing in the body to
treat the organs and energy channels
Acupuncture has a very low risk of any adverse affects and two surveys published in 2001 in the British Medical Journal concluded the risk of an adverse reaction to acupuncture is less than 1 in 10000.
Qi is the concept which underpins all of Chinese Medicine. It can be translated as "Vital Energy". Qi runs through the channels of the body in different forms and is accessed via acupuncture points. When being treated Qi will be experienced as a pulling, warming, tingling sensation when the needles are manipulated after insertion. It is a pleasant but unusual sensation.
Acupuncture has evolved over 3000 years. By analysing nature and natural processes the Chinese were able to deduce patterns and principles which occured in all things and could be used to understand and influence factors causing disease. In this way acupuncture has evolved as a natural process of healing. It focuses on improving the overall wellbeing of the patient rather than an isolated symptom.
The first visit will last 1-2 hours depending on what you are coming in for. It will consist of an initial Consultation and a treatment. I will explain how acupuncture may help you and we will agree a treatment plan. Treatment will always be with sterile disposable needles in a safe clinic environment. Needles are often left in for about 20 minutes and points will be used on the back, front or both. Costs per session are $85 for ongoing treatment, $120 for initial consult and treatment (90mins), or $170 for initial consult and treatment (120 mins - for fertility)